Ürün Yelpazemiz

We represent, distribute or partner with major manufacturers in different product areas. We can provide full technical, commercial and logistical support for these manufacturers. You can view our products for chemicals, equipment and consumables for the needs of aerospace and various industries.

PR 1772 B2
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite 277
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
LPS Force 842
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Hazardous Material
Molykote D321 R
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Rocol Dry Moly Spray
0.14 ₺ 0.14 TRY 0.14 ₺
Ardrox 185L
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Braycote 610
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Lubribond 220
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Parker Super O-Lube 884-2
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
3M 425 Aluminum Foil Tape
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite 222
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite 241
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite 242
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite 243
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Loctite LB 8023
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Ardrox AV30
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Ardrox AV8
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Diphyl DT
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺