Ürün Yelpazemiz

We represent, distribute or partner with major manufacturers in different product areas. We can provide full technical, commercial and logistical support for these manufacturers. You can view our products for chemicals, equipment and consumables for the needs of aerospace and various industries.

Heat Transfer Fluids

Accu-Cool® 342
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Antifrogen L
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Antifrogen N
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Basf Glythermin NF (NFT)
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
BASF Glythermin P44
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Brayco Micronic 889
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Diphyl DT
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Diphyl THT
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Dowcal 100
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Hexid Fluid A4
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Marlotherm SH
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
Molson 100 - 205 LT
0.0 TRY 0.00 ₺
Royco 602
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺
1.20 ₺ 1.2 TRY 1.20 ₺